
  • 60 ml Plum eau de vie
  • 22.5 ml lime juice
  • 22.5 ml White chocolate syrup @sanzcocktails
  • 7,5 ml Passion fruit @sanzcocktails purefruit
  • 45 ml sparkling wine
  • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
  • 2 dashes Azteca chocolate bitters

How to mix

Shake all ingredients with ice except the sparkling wine.Double strain into the glass with ice. Pour the sparkling wine and lightly stir with a barspoon. Top it with some crushed ice For the black chocolate crusta: Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie. Insert the top of the glass about 2cm inside the melted chocolate. Keep the glass in the fridge until use.

Base Alcohol Vodka
Cocktail type Craft
Difficulty Medium
Taste Sweet Sour
Texture/Flavour Creamy
Schedule Dessert
Glass Type Tiki


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