
  • 45 ml Coffee vodka
  • 30 ml Purefruit pineapple puree @sanzcocktails
  • 7.5 ml Chartreuse
  • 22.5 ml lime juice
  • 15 ml of sugar syrup @sanzcocktails
  • 7.5 ml syrup of coconut milk @sanzcocktails

How to mix

To smoke the glass: Lightly burn a stick with a blowtorch and place the glass over the smoke. Let the glass soak up the aroma. How to prepare the cocktail: Add all ingredients in a shaker and shake with ice. Make a double pour in a low glass with ice.

Base Alcohol Vodka
Cocktail type Craft
Difficulty Medium
Taste Sour Sweet
Texture/Flavour Tasty
Schedule Dessert
Glass Type Old fashion


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