A Cocktail with Sake to make at home. Delicious and easy.

Sanz Cocktails ·

We are stopping by to give you the recipe for a Cocktail with Sake to make at home; delicious and easy. Did you know that the word Sake is used in Japan to talk about any alcoholic beverage? So, if you go there, you should ask for “Nihonshu” which is the Japanese alcohol produced with fermented rice, which we know as Sake.
It is made through fermentation with rice, yeast, water and koji fungus. This fungus makes the rice ferment, thus creating Japanese Sake.
In terms of its origins, we need to look back to the Yayoi period, when they began to grow rice.
The truth is that the history of Japanese sake is really exciting and we strongly recommend that you research it because culturally it is fantastic.
Here we provide you with this great recipe that is easy to make and made with Sake, so that tomorrow, which is a big day in the Sushi world, you can have it prepared and ready to enjoy a good pairing. Cheers!



How to make it?

  • Shake all the ingredients with ice.
  • Double strain into a previously cooled nick and Nora glass.
  • Decorate it with orange peel.

*Cocktail by Luis Inchaurraga for Sanz Cocktails

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