Create a clarified cocktail and impress your guests

Sanz Cocktails ·

Create a clarified cocktail and impress your guests.

Strawberry & Tomato Gimlet. Another of the cocktails chosen for the press tasting presentation of the new Sanz Purefruit ❤️‍‍🔥. Here is the recipe so you can try to make it:


▫️20 ml Fino sherry
▫️30 ml Krolowa vodka redistilled with juniper and fresh pepper.
▫️Strawberry purée cordial @sanzcocktails Purefruit and clarified tomato.

▫️Cool a Nick & Nora glass beforehand.
▫️Stir the ingredients in a mixing glass.
▫️Strain into the Nick & Nora glass without ice.


If you want to learn more about the Mil Washing technique used to clarify cocktails, we invite you to check out a tutorial by Sanz Cocktails Series on our YouTube channel, Sanz Cocktails.

*Cocktail made by @luisinchaurraga for @sanzcocktails


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