Sanz Cocktails ·

How to make jelly cocktails.

It is a cocktail, can you believe it? Well, YES! A jellified cocktail: Jelly Colada!

A radical twist on your way of having a cocktail with this jellified recipe. Here is the recipe for 8 pieces, each 55 grammes, so you can invite whoever you want.


Please note: This recipe is for 8 pieces, each weighing 55 grammes


240 ml 99% @sanzcocktails pineapple purée (strained)
60 ml Coconut milk syrup @sanzcocktails
180 ml Norpold coconut liqueur
4 Sheets of gelatine

Garnish: shredded coconut

How to prepare:

  1. Hydrate the sheets of gelatine in cold water.
  2. Put all the ingredients into a pot.
  3. Add the hydrated sheets of gelatine and heat over a medium heat until they are mixed in.
  4. Serve the prepared mix in a 55 gram silicon mould.
  5. ❄️ Cool until it jellifies.

Garnish with shredded coconut for an extra rebel touch.

If you want to find out more about Jellification, here is a training video that we made with Luis Inchaurraga on the #SanzCocktailsSeries playlist and which you will find on our YouTube channel @sanzcocktails

Share your creations using #SanzCocktails

Cocktail made by Luis Inchaurraga for Sanz Cocktails.


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