How to do maceration in cocktail making.

How to do maceration in cocktail making.

Maceration is the process of extracting chemical compounds from solids by leaving them to soak for a period of time. -Infusing them is quite easy: soak in alcohol, herbs, spices, fruit or dried fruits to obtain the desired flavours. Once you have achieved this, strain the solids, bottle the liquid and label the product.   […]



Jellification is a technique in molecular cuisine that is also used in molecular cocktail making. It is a process to thicken and stabilize liquids, to achieve a gelatinous texture.   ♦️WHERE DOES GELATIN COME FROM? “Fish tail” gelatin (grouper, anglerfish, sturgeon). 80% of European gelatin comes from pork skin, 15% comes from bovine skin, and […]

Spherification Technique for cocktail making and gastronomy

Spherification Technique for cocktail making and gastronomy

Spherification is a culinary technique that is used to encapsulate a liquid or cream in a thin membrane with a gelatinous texture. The sphere can be used to contain wines, vinegars, creams, etc. and of course, fruit purées!. If the spheres are small, they are normally called caviar, fake caviar or pearls  Spherification is a reaction that is […]

Press presentation of Sanz Purefruit

Press presentation of Sanz Purefruit

Presentation of our Purefruit for cocktail making, gastronomy and hospitality press in general We tasted and mixed them and tested their complete versatility with the assistance of Luis Inchaurraga An event carried out with a small group with a large influence on the world of communication in the hospitality sector at which we were able to enjoy the complete range of Sanz […]

Try our version of the classic Irish Coffee

Try our version of the classic Irish Coffee

Try our version of the classic Irish Coffee; Orchard Coffee Cocktail. Did you know how the Irish Coffee was invented? In 1942 passengers on a flight were arriving at Shannon, an airport in the southwest of Ireland, they were frozen to the bone and in the restaurant there, the  chef Joe Sheridan got them  warmed up with a hot coffee […]

Recipe with the new 95% fruits of the forest Purefruit

Recipe with the new 95% fruits of the forest Purefruit

Recipe with the new 95% FRUITS OF THE FOREST Purefruit…. fas-cin-at-ing! 😍 📌WILDBERRY SMASH ▪️45 ml Gin ▪️30 ml black tea ▪️30 ml Fruits of the Forest purée @sanzcocktails ▪️22.5 ml lemon juice ▪️15 ml Sanz vanilla syrup 📌HOW TO MAKE IT? ✔️Shake all the ingredients with ice ✔️Double strain into the Highball glass full of ice […]

How to make foam with a siphon for a cocktail

How to make foam with a siphon for a cocktail

How to make foam with a siphon for a cocktail. Foam is the result of combining a flavoured and well-strained liquid with bubbles of gas, normally  No2, and a stabilizing agent or emulsifier: fats, gelatines, egg whites or starch. They can be cold or warm and can be made with practically any flavour 😋.   […]

We are launching a 99.9% pineapple purée, it´s crazy!

We are launching a 99.9% pineapple purée, it´s crazy!

And the flavour of the new Purefruit by Sanz is… PINEAPPLE!🍍 With 99.9% PURE PINEAPPLE… totally crazy..! You have been our inspiration in order to choose the flavour, thanks to your comments and requests. We were clear about the fact that we wanted you to choose the new flavour, and here it is! After almost a year […]

Discover our white chocolate syrup

Discover our white chocolate syrup

Combine it with strawberry and spices such as pepper and exotic citrus fruits such as bergamot and Yuzu. Several years of study, effort and a lot of commitment were needed to obtain the ideal formula for an exceptional and genuine white chocolate. In the image we tell you about this flavour. Did you know that Luis […]

Prepare a scary cocktail for Halloween night

Prepare a scary cocktail for Halloween night

☠️ Deadly. That is how we would describe our smoking and smoked Halloween potion. On this night packed with mystery, monsters, black cats, squeaking doors and laughter from the afterlife… there is nothing better to calm your fears than this cocktail that is a mix of sweetness and acidity, we guarantee you. Take a look at […]