Escape from the ordinary Mojito and add creativity to your creations

Escape from the ordinary Mojito and add creativity to your creations

🔥Triumph with these 🌿Mojitos wherever you are!. 4️⃣ recipes, 1️⃣ of which is alcohol-free (amazing!). Any self-respecting good Mojito maker has to try them all…   🍹🥭🍍MANGO AND PINEAPPLE MOJITO 2 oz of Mulata white rum 1 oz  of @sanzcocktails Purefruit mango purée 1 oz of fresh lime juice 3/4 oz of @sanzcocktails pineapple syrup 7/8 mint […]

How to taste a cocktail. Learn to unlock flavours.

How to taste a cocktail. Learn to unlock flavours.

This is how we taste. The 10,000 taste buds on the tongue have the ability to detect stimuli or flavours.    Sweet  Salty  Bitter  Sour  Umami  The liquid or food that you put into your mouth dissolves in your saliva, which makes it penetrate into the taste buds through the pores of the tongue. There, the […]